Here's a suggested 6-week training plan for the topics mentioned, with sessions scheduled for 3 days a week, each lasting 2 hours:
Week 1: Python Fundamentals
- Day 1: Introduction to Python, basic syntax, variables, data types, and operators.
- Day 2: Control flow statements (if-else, loops), functions, and modules.
- Day 3: Introduction to object-oriented programming (classes, objects, methods) and file handling.
Week 2: Advanced Python Concepts
- Day 1: In-depth exploration of Python functions, including lambda functions, decorators, and closures.
- Day 2: Understanding Python's standard library, including modules for regular expressions, datetime, and math.
- Day 3: Introduction to error handling (try-except blocks) and working with external libraries using pip.
Week 3: Flask Web Framework
- Day 1: Introduction to web development with Flask, setting up a basic Flask application.
- Day 2: Creating routes, handling HTTP requests, and rendering templates.
- Day 3: Working with forms, handling form data, and implementing user authentication.
Week 4: SQLAlchemy and Database Integration
- Day 1: Overview of SQLAlchemy ORM, defining models, and creating database tables.
- Day 2: Querying and filtering data with SQLAlchemy, performing CRUD operations.
- Day 3: Advanced SQLAlchemy concepts, including relationships, transactions, and session management.
Week 5: Asynchronous Programming with Celery
- Day 1: Introduction to Celery, setting up Celery in a Flask application.
- Day 2: Creating asynchronous tasks, scheduling tasks with Celery Beat.
- Day 3: Monitoring and managing Celery workers, handling task failures and retries.
Week 6: AWS Integration
- Day 1: Introduction to AWS services (Lambda, S3, SQS, SNS, SES) and their use cases.
- Day 2: Integrating AWS Lambda with Python projects, deploying and invoking Lambda functions.
- Day 3: Working with AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), interacting with S3 buckets, SQS queues, SNS topics, and SES for email functionality.
Throughout the training, practical exercises, coding challenges, and real-world examples would be incorporated to reinforce learning and ensure participants gain hands-on experience with the technologies covered. Additionally, we encourage participants to work on mini-projects or assignments to apply what they've learned in each topic area.